Top 5 Beautiful and Famous Tree in USA

You must know what is the importance of trees in the world. Trees have always worked like horses for the environment. Trees have given us a lot, whatever you say will be less. But even if we forget all of them, it will be fine, but we should never forget about 3 things. such as oxygen, food and shade. In the United States, these beautiful or noble trees are exist before Mayflowers. This trees is no less than the National Treasure of the United States. They are stand by root, for thousands of years and stand as witnesses of history. so, we will know about those trees in this article.

1. Angel Oak

Angel Oak as situated  in Johns Island, South Carolina, United States. This tree refers to the species Southern Live Oak, and also called as Quercus virginiana. This tree can be approximately 300 to 400 years old. The tree provides shade beyond 17,200 square feet because the tree is 66.5 feet tall, with a circumference of 28 feet. In the list of Live Oak Society, Angel Oak tree was present in a position of 210th.

2. Survivor Tree 

Survivor Tree Known from an American Elm, means Ulmus americana. Who survives the oklahoma city bombing. The tree situated north of the Oklahoma City National Memorial in the state of Oklahoma, United States. Alfred P.  The tree was there to provide shade in the street parking lot opposite the Murrah Federal Building. Some photographs of Oklahoma City were taken in 1920. Seeing this tree in those photos, it seems to be 100 years old.

3. Sacred Oak

This tree known as the Sacred Oak, a chinkapin oak species over 500 years old. This tree is native to Oley Valley, Pennsylvania. Beyond this tree is Friedensburg Road. Sacred tree grows in a forest off Friedensburg Road in Olay Township. Earlier time tourists used to get a chance to see this tree. But now tourists are not allowed to go to that place, because this place has become a private place.

4. Jackson Oak 

This tree is a White Oak that has its own ownership by itself eight feet of all land, following to legend. This tree is known as Jackson Oak. This tree is Situated at corner of  South Finley and Dearing Streets that is the Athens, Georgia, US. The tree that is now known as Jackson Oak, has grown from a acorns of the original Jackson Oak. The original tree fell in the year 1942, the life of this tree is said to have stood between the middle of the 16th century and the end of the 18th century.

5. Chandelier Tree

You've seen many types of roads, but have you ever heard of a road that goes through trees? You can find this amazingly beautiful tree in Drive-thru Tree Park that is situated in Leggett, California, United States. The tree is a 276 feet tall Coast Redwood tree and it's 6 feet wide. You will see a hole in the tree which is the size of  6 feet 6 inch high. A hole was made for cars to pass through the park. The name of this tree is derived from its shape which is a abnormal chandelier-like ingredient. 

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